Pilates for Pelvic Floor Health

by Thomas McNally | 3 Lessons

3 videos to promote a healthy pelvic floor

This series will educate you but also should be fun, this shouldn’t be a chore. It should definitely improve any issues that you may have.

Your instructor, Jackie Lindsay, will share her insights about the pelvic floor whilst guiding you through exercises for better pelvic floor health.

This course is for anyone, from the complete novice to the seasoned Pilates fan.

“In three half hour videos learn the tips and tricks to improve and maintain your pelvic floor health”

Watch this teaser video to find out what you’ll learn:


Evening Pilates class

1. Introduction to basic pelvic floor exercises

In this 15-minute video, our Pilates teacher, Jackie, will give you an introduction to pelvic floor health and issues
Morning Pilates class

2. Contracting your pelvic floor

In this 15-minute video, our Pilates teacher, Jackie, will give you an introduction to pelvic floor health and issues
Hips and core pilates

3. Pilates for pelvic floor

Having watched the first two videos in this series this 12-minute video, with our Pilates instructor Jackie, will guide you through some more specific exercises lying down on the mat; known as diamond pilates (for the pelvic floor).

Your Tutor

Jackie Linsday pilates

Jackie has over 30 years of Nursing & Midwifery experience. She trained as a fitness instructor with the YMCA in 1996, studied Sports & Remedial Therapy in Dumfries in 2000 & qualified as a Pilates teacher with Rachel Holmes in 2006. She is also a trained phase IV instructor in Cardiac Rehabilitation & an Aqua-cise teacher. Recently, she trained in Diamond Pilates with Cherry Baker & now delivers Pelvic Health workshops in her area. She has her own business as a Sports & Remedial Therapist, also teaching 8-10 Pilates classes a week. Having attended Pilates holidays in the sun for the past 4yrs… ‘there is nothing quite like doing Pilates outside in beautiful sunshine.