ON-DEMAND Bake with Jane Curran

Join Jane
"Learning to bake bread has been a revelation"
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Baking with Jane Curran

For over 20 years now Jane Curran has worked for some of the UK’s biggest media brands, creating food content tailored to ABC1 audiences.
Having worked in fast-paced, industry-leading restaurants and studied at Leiths School of Food and Wine, she has a solid grounding in the technical, classical elements of cookery as well as having an understanding of what people are looking for from food.

Join Jane in her on-demand course: Making Italian Bread

You’ll Learn with Jane

  • To make a variety of Italian breads
  • To learn tips and techniques to create great bread every time
  • Discover the equipment you do and don’t need to make bread

Check out Jane’s Bread making course

Making Italian Bread

Come and join this on-demand Italian Bread Making Course and learn hints and tips from experienced chef, Jane Curran


Jane’s cooking classes are excellent.


I thoroughly enjoy Jane’s baking classes.


Jane’s online classes are superb.
